Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chili and red wine.......a fitting start for my simply decadent theme.  This one is for you Steph!

Simply Decadent Chili

  • turn on your burner to 7 or 8...wait not yet do the next two first
  • take a couple cloves of garlic smash them with the side of a big sharp knife and chop em up
  • chop an onion 
  • add them to a big pot with pound or two of ground beef and cook it till its brown
  • add rotelle brand tomatos w/ cilantro and chilis and any large can of your favorite kind of tomatos
  • get some canned beans from the mexican section of your grocery store (whatever you like) they come in bigger sizes which means less can-opener related injury and more variety
  • add salt and pepper, cumin and chili powder to taste
  • turn it down to 5 or so and let it get nice and hot
  • put in some fresh cilantro at the end. you'll be able to taste and smell it better if you don't cook the hell out of it
  • serve it with rice and pieces of tortilla (mushed down inside so they get all yummy) and slice some avocado on top, it's the good kind of fat 
Open the expensive red wine your new russian friend brought you the other day when your big Scottish boyfriend made her and her husband (who she met in Siberia) an Indian Curry. If you don't have any of that, make do with what you do have. 

1 comment:

  1. told you it was easy. and i will be making that this week.
